Scientists and nutrition experts are all looking for foods that help every cell in our body to work more efficiently and to avoid the effects of oxidation that occurs day in and day out. Researchers in Sweden, have found a food that is high in vitamin C and is highly resistant to diseases that plague other plants that have traditionally been used for vitamin C.

Rosehips are the food that have been used for years as a dietary supplement and during the Second World War they were harvested and made into a syrup for children.

One other benefit that the rosehips are very essential in the development and growth of the erythrocytes, which are the red blood cells that transport oxygen to every cell and organ in your body. It is the antioxidant properties of the rosehips that inhibit the effects of oxidation inside the blood cells, enabling them to carry more oxygen and live longer.

The study measured the amount of catechin present and found that the levels were of a significant level for clinical applications. This proves that the rosehips, the fruit of the rosebushes, is a valuable source of vitamin C and provides a greater value of the nutrient then other citrus foods.

The Rugosa rose plants are found to have the highest amount of vitamin C and they are the ones featured in the Swedish research. A diet that has higher levels of vitamin C is more resistant to disease and allows the red blood cells to carry more oxygen as well as increasing their resistance to the decay or loss of oxygen at the cellular level.

Foods high in antioxidants are the best ones to add to a diet because they promote cell health throughout the body, which reduces aging and decay of cells. This supports the claims that consuming rosehips is good for maintaining a healthy level of vitamin C in the body. All rosehips have vitamin C, but those of the Rugosa rose have the highest content and are found wild or cultivated throughout the world.